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UniCamp College of Business and Management

UniCamp has established a reputation for excellence in business and management education, providing high quality, industry responsive programs relevant to the national and global marketplace.
Studying business at UniCamp is a great way to enhance your career. In today’s competitive environment, professionals need the skills to adapt to an ever-changing business world. At UniCamp, we give our students the skills that enable them to deal with real-world business issues.

Student Stories

UniCamp Events


Our financial aid program makes UniCamp affordable for every family throughout the world.
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An education at UniCamp has limitless possibilities. Our courses are taught by esteemed faculty members.
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Inspiring Student Life

Our residential system creates more opportunities for learning with peers and professors from different backgrounds.
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Getting Around & Campus Safety

Biking is a popular way to get around campus. Transit options also include a free campus shuttle and car-share. Public Safety provides police and emergency services 24 hours a day.

Student Nationalities

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International Students


Different Majors


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Graduation rate of our student



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3310 Barnes Avenue Cicinati, Ohio 45244